Friday, February 22, 2013

Migration Mixed Media Art Pieces for Bagavagabonds Art Show

The theme of the Bagavagabonds show this time was MIGRATION. I decided to juxtapose two different styles of migration for my series of 6 mixed media pieces. I took photos that I took from a couple cities (San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, and Brussels) showing different forms of transportation - elevators, airports, a bike rack, a subway. a ferris wheel, and a freeway - and printed them in grayscale on acetate paper. I positioned these with original pages from a vintage book on evolution I found at my favorite bookstore (my blog on this bookstore here). I wanted to show the immediate literal migration of people versus longterm migration of the theory of evolution. Here some photos of my process and the final product (All my pieces sold out for a great cause!) You can see photos of the art show reception here.


The Last Bookstore - In Downtown Los Angeles - A place of inspiration

For my last art show, I got stuck. I started several different pieces and wasn't happy with how any of them evolved. So late one night I went a few blocks to my favorite bookstore "The Last Bookstore". It is on 453 S. Spring Street. (More info here: . I try to also always pop in when I take my power walks around my neighborhood. The bottom floor has an extensive collection of interesting new books. Upstairs all the books are only $1. There are also cool art pieces all around the store, many installations made with books or pages of books flying or the tunnel or books or rainbow of colored spines. This also used to be a bank I think so the vault upstairs is now turned into their sic-fi section, appropriately dark, gloomy with a narrator's voice reading a book and a cool art installation. Here are some photos I have taken here:

Saturday, February 16, 2013

MOCA Sunday Studio, December 2, 2012

In December, I went to another Sunday Studio entitled, "Pushing the Boundaries of Painting" Mixed Media on Canvas by MOCA's creative Sunday Studio community. We started by focusing on sculpture pieces by Lee Bontecou. 

Then we had access to lots of sculpture materials - burlap, wire, netting, needle and thread, string, glue, cotton, fabric. I started filling the wire netting with cotton and then used a needle with string to envelop it into a flower. David made a cloud out of burlap, staples, string and cotton. We were then encouraged to leave our pieces there as part of a larger collaborative installation sculpture wall. 

Color Lab, MOCA Sunday Studio, September 2, 2012

I am a little behind on my blogging so a few blogs now from past artsy explorations. In September, MOCA Grand Ave had one of their SUNDAY STUDIOS. The emphasis was color and the interaction of colors. We started off with a discussion on one of the Rothko pieces in the museum. Then we went outside and played with colored gels, pastels, brightly colored tissue papers and all types of technicolor supplies... Here are some photos of my exploration below: