Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Inspiration and Process for My New Branding for JenniferOgren.com

I have been contemplating changing my branding and I was recently inspired while I spent two weeks in Paris, France. I was in the Marché aux Puces St-Ouen de Clignancourt, the antique market. Among the gorgeous furniture pieces, vintage cameo jewelry, art deco silver dishes, and toys from yesteryear, I came across some amazing original letterpress letters in a little shop called Tombees Du Camion (http://tombeesducamion.com/), meaning "Goods Fallen Off the Back of a Truck". I spent about an hour picking out my favorites for each letter of my very long name. I just starting photographing them and will be updating my website and business cards soon. Here are some photos of my antique-market-escapade:

New look for www.JenniferOgren.com is coming soon!